Love every single moment of life.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Well HELLO my long lost loves!
I know its been a very long time since I've written on here... mostly because i have a hard time committing to anything or any one idea for long periods of time. I have SO MANY ideas on my NATURAL blonde head, and some of them are even good, but once the caffeine induced endorphins wear off i loose my interest and am on to the next antic, plus this blog was sparked from a very unfulfilling desk job( which i got fired from) NO MORE DESK JOBS!!!!!

Anyway, so then i had the bright idea of Video FB updates, which then turned into a VLOG, but like everything else i do, i lost my mojo and ran out of clever ideas... for now...
See here is the thing about me, I'm all over the place, I'm pretty sure i have ADD and I'm pretty sure that I'm the worst procrastinator in the US of A and maybe China. That being said I'm always looking for the next "spark" in my life. There is a fire that has always burned in me but sometimes that fire just dwindles into  a little flicker, but ill be dammed if let that flicker turn to ashes.
 Until I'm dead and gone from this beautiful, painful world you better believe that flames gonna burn.

OK now lets recap since we last talked....
1. I Still work out and still have to constantly fight against my ornery metabolism. Damn you cookies!!!
2. Recently I've taken up running, which for me is a HUGE deal because running is something i could never do in the past so I'm pretty darn proud of myself
3. I am a waitress....for now
4. I moved into a big house with two girls from work.. A bit out of my comfort zone but apart from the drafty upstairs and luke warm shower its pretty awesome
5. I had a whirlwind "almost romance" with a man who was unlike all the rest, and i finally thought i could rest. He promised me the world but when reality set in the world wasn't delivered and unfortunately little idealist Sarah was heart broken once again.. but we will talk about that another time...
6. I still have horrible grammar and spelling skills
and finally ill leave you with the last

 Lucky #7 WARNING: inspiration ahead

So my last update hasn't come to fruition yet because as i write you, i am starting to feel a slight flame in my belly. This flame has been hidden because somewhere in the past year i put myself into auto pilot because my little heart just couldn't take any more disappointment. My last romantic hopeful was the jenga piece that made me fall. I wanted to give up on love, i didn't want to try anymore. So i did what i always do.. Routine. WORK,DAUGHTER,GYM,SLEEP REPEAT. It wasn't quite a funk because i wasn't quite unhappy but i wasn't exactly Happy either. It was that spark that was missing. No inspiration to write music or to have hope for the future, only living day to day. Sometimes its a good thing to be in the moment but not when the moment is only literally a moment with no momentum for anything more. So as we approach the cliche ever anticlimactic new year, lets think about that fire. What is your flame? Don't ever let the day just be a day. Don't let your heart break to the point where its numb. Don't let your plans slip away into the darkness. Don't let your age be your crutch. Put some gas on that fire and cause havoc! (I'm totally speaking to myself too BTW). I know in my bones I'm meant for something good. One day ill have love, one day ill have success. One day ill know why i went through all of this nonsense, but for now i think ill go get some gas, maybe we can borrow from each other?
oh and PS get off your butt and workout!!!!!!