Love every single moment of life.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Table for one please: An anti anti Valentines day rant

So first of all i would like to say HELLO! I know my posts have been sporadic but i promise to try to be more on the ball with my rants, dating dramas, life changes and maybe even some funny stories... I'm pretty sure I'm ADD but who really cares? who isn't ADD these days, with all the instant gratification, social media and other various electronic distractions, how could anyone focus on one thing at a time?!
Since i haven't written to you in a while i feel like the first part of this rant will be a little bit of catch, So here goes.. 
Still a waitress. Still a singer. Still Very very very single. Still dating all the wrong boys.. commitment phoebes, players, flakes, wolves in sheeps clothing, and this last guy.. well that's a post in itself but i don't think i can even go there right now... So now that we've caught up.. lets talk about the day.. 
VALENTINES DAY..*dun dun dun*
 the dreaded day for singles everywhere. February 14th aka the day you act like you hate love, couples, romance and all things flowers and chocolate. Mind you, I work at the quintessential first date place already so valentines day there is couple mania times a billion( luckily this year my band has a show so I'm off) I know its just a day.  One day, 24hours of in your face love. One day of concentrated romance and co-workers getting flowers while you sit there pretending to be happy. One day of seeing every dude in CVS last minute trying to find a card for his mate. One day of every restaurant packed with girls in red and hand holding. One day of feeling like a Jew on Christmas. Here's the thing.. regardless of all the horrible luck I've had with dating the past few years and the almost lovers i seem to continually be disappointed by, I still have this hopeless romantic inside of me who believes that her time will come. *sigh*
 Every Valentines day i hear people talk about how much they hate the day..(ironically most of them are in relationships) I get that its a man made hallmark holiday and holidays have a marketing agenda to gain monetary revenue from smucks and suckers aka the general public, but i cant help but think that valentines day is kind of amazing when you really think about it. Hear me out...
 I do believe that if you love someone, you should show your love often, and gifts and gestures shouldn't be reserved  for a certain day. I do think that the commercialization's of valentines day tends to be obnoxious. Valentines day;marketing manipulation at its finest. That being said the concept of celebrating love is pretty awesome. I don't think its a horrible thing to take a day and make it an obnoxious 24 hours dedicated to all things love. Red roses,chocolates, and cheesy cliche  cards with awkward romantic gestures from the men  who  love you enough to make a fool of themselves. I am not saying that one day should define a relationship but can we stop being so anti and embrace the cheese of the day?! I'm not in love but one day i hope to be and i hope the man i love sends me flowers to work on valentines day( yes i said it and i don't regret it) it's  ok to be cliché sometimes.  We get it single people you hate this day but come on, secretly you want the mushy love crap too, so stop frontin we all know you cried at the notebook. I don't ever want to turn into that bitter girl that hates on people in love, because honestly love is one of the best gifts in life. We all want to be loved and wanted by someone. I don't think that valentines day is an essential part of a healthy and happy relationship, but i do believe its ok to embrace the day and celebrate without shame. Stop being a rebel and just love the idea of love, whether its one day or everyday, the more you embrace it the faster it will come into your life. I know this is like super corny, and trust me of all people To be hateful of the V Day, it should be me. My dating life is like a episode of punked on repeat, yet somehow I still have this idealistic hope that one day.. Well ya know.. One day
*sigh again*
Every year I always hear how much people hate valentines day,  but maybe this year we could learn to love it a little and see what happens. I challenge you to celebrate valentines day, single or not. Make it an awesome day filled with love and chocolate and rom coms that you're embarrassed to admit you love. So what if you are single, buy your friend flowers, or even yourself for that matter.  Who cares what people think, be ridiculous and love it!  Eat stupid 
heart shaped foods, Hug strangers, Heck, maybe even ask someone out on a date! Love is amazing feeling and it should be embraced and celebrated. One day ill experience it for myself but this year i choose to be happy for those that have it now. So happy valentines day everyone!  I hope you don't wanna punch me in the face after reading this..😘😉
Till next time

  XOXO Sarah

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