Love every single moment of life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fairwell Mr.Settle Settlerson

To settle or not to settle: That is the question.
Settling is something we all say we never do, but so often find ourselves in those compromising situations; sacrificing our own happiness for a temporary fix. Lowering our expectations even when we feel in our bones it’s wrong.  This kind of “settle” thinking doesn’t just pertain to a relationship, it can be a job, school, or in my opinion and most importantly our health. Without a healthy body and mind how can we expect to attract healthy circumstances? Life is about small choices everyday. If we wake up in the morning and decide to do the best for that specific day, then the outcome in the long run will be much more fulfilling. This is a new year and what better time to start fresh, right? I know new years resolutions are lame but hey I am a firm believer that it’s ok to start over a million times because each time you are closer to getting it right. It’s never ok to “settle” however, it’s always ok to start again if you do.
 Here are some of my examples of settling.
  1. Knowing that you need to exercise but making excuses and then complaining about your body. (You are settling for what is instead of what could be)
  2. Staying stuck in a job you hate but not looking for anything else and complaining about how much you hate your job (Either learn to be happy with where you’re at or work your butt off to find another option but do not settle for mediocrity)
  3. Staying in a relationship that you are clearly unhappy in and making excuses for why it doesn’t work or worse, blaming yourself even when in your heart you know its not you. (Comfort can be a danger zone. Many people stay in a relationship for too long simply because of the “routine” Don’t be scared to be alone, it’s much better than being unhappy with someone else.)
  4. Having a craft, skill or talent and not working on making it better everyday but then whining about your unfulfilled dreams. (Your day job does NOT have to define you. Change your mindset. What you do to pay the bills allows you to pursue your dreams, so that maybe one day your dreams will pay your bills.)

That being said, I am guilty of setting in all of the above categories. I am the one that has complained about being a “musician” and having all these stupid jobs I hate. I’m the one who stayed in relationships with guys I “hoped” would change while sacrificing my own needs. I WAS the one who complained about not loosing weight but not doing a damn thing to change it(Luckily I got that one right now, One down, 3 to go)
I got to say it’s a nice feeling to not have the “loose weight resolution” I have control over one thing and its m body. Such a freeing feeling after years of struggling. So just know, anyone reading this that is struggling with weight, you can over come this one! It took me years to get it right, but when you do finally get it right, your life is forever changed!
Now as far as the other type of settling I’m still working on that one. You know those moments where you feel in your gut that you are making a mistake but you do it anyway? Maybe it makes you feel better, and lord knows we are instant gratification beasts. We love to live in the moment and suffer the long last consequences later. In those moments, my goal is to make the choice I know is right even if it’s harder or makes me feel sad temporarily. In those moments where my gut is screaming “Sarah this is a bad idea” I will choose to listen to my gut and put myself first. This is a little way for me to stop settling for less than what I deserve. Life is defined by these spilt second decisions, make the right ones! I hope this wasn’t too all over the place. My mind tends to be a little chaotic when I have these epiphanies, but I hope you take something away from all my rants and I hope that in those potential “settle” moment you choose what’s right not what’s easy.
Stay Strong Grasshoppers
Oh and if you can’t get to a gym, home workouts work just as well!

“The past has no power over the present moment.”
Eckhart Tolle


  1. first of all, the light pink font looks great against the dark background. Way to pimp your blog, girl.

    And yes, this is some good, meaty--learned-from-experience stuff. Which is the best kind of thing to share, I think. There's authority in your words cause you KNOW what you're talking about. Thanks for being an inspiration, my friend.

  2. all i can say is im glad life reconnected us. Because of friends like you..this process is a little easier! <3

  3. Your best post to date. I'm a blog addict and I wanted you to know I enjoy what you have to say. However, the background hurts my eyes. Sorry...

  4. Thanks sarah!!! I really appreciate that :)
    I know im not the best writer grammatically but its a nice outlet for my crazy brain! lol
    Ive been playing with backgrounds and trying to get a good one, id still like my whole format to be diffrent!
